Chair Pose is a rich, fiery posture, strengthening every part of the body. When discovered, the whole body is united in a fierce and demanding structure.
Name: Chair Pose
Sanskrit Name: Utkatasana
Type of Pose: Standing Posture
Level: 2
· Shoulder injury: bring hands to heart centre or to the hips.
· Ankle, Hip, Knee, Spinal injury: stand with feet hip width apart.
· Improves balance
· Strengthens the core, legs and ankles
· Opens chest and shoulders
Pose Breakdown
1. Stand in Mountain Pose.
2. Begin to bend the knees and sink the sit bones towards the ground.
3. Bring your arms above your head hugging the arms beside your ears.
4. Engage your core and lengthen the spine. Open the chest and pull up through the crown of the head.
5. Keep your inner thighs parallel to each other and engage all the muscles in your body.
6. Hold your Chair Pose for 30 seconds to a minute.
· Hold hands at heart centre or on the hips.
Common Misalignments
Misalignment: Knees overshooting the toes.
Correction: Shift the weight into the heels by sinking the sit bones down towards the ground and lifting the chest.
Misalignment: Spine rounding and chest collapsing.
Correction: Lift the chest open towards the sky
Misalignment: Shoulders hunched up to the ears
Correction: Remember to draw the shoulders back and down.
· Use a chair for increased support and comfort
Prep Poses
· Mountain Pose
· Deep Forward Fold
Follow Up Poses
· Deep Forward Fold
· Twisted Chair
· Awkward Chair
Counter Poses
· Bridge
· Deep Forward Fold
· Cobra
Top Tip
Squeeze a block or a book between the thighs to engage the adductors.
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